I remember the day I got MY OWN Mini bike. Growing up with an older brother he had all the cool stuff but I finally got a Trojan Mini Bike. It was the best out there with
suspension front and rear and a 5 HP Briggs and Stranton motor. My Mom is the one who got it for me not Dad and I'm not sure why to this day but Mom was known to spoil us. I put many miles on that mini bike both in the dirt and street because in those days you could get away with riding on the street and the worst that would happen is a cop you tell you to get home and don't let him catch you on the street again.
My buddy Dirk had a Taco 100 Mini Bike and we would go all over the place. One of my favorite places to go was Castle Crest where you could ride from Walnut Creek to San Ramon in the Las Trampas Ridge area and never see a sole with the exception of a rancher on a horse checking his cattle. Our mini bike were faster than his horse and it was easy to get away. Those were good times