Monday, September 14, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Another of Daryl's bike

This may be somewhat trivial... but this is/was one of my favorite old scoots!
This was done when I was fifteen, all in metal shop!
My shop teacher was the best! Good ole' Collage Park High.
I cut everything off the frame that wasn't needed, including welding the pegs to the bottom loop.
I hand built the pipe....rolled the cones on an anvil with a rawhide mallet, 26 sections in all. One of the 1st snake pipes?
I painted the tank at one of sis's old boy friends body-shop. Hand machined the fork sliders (Ceriani front-end)
Webco head/24 mm Mikuni carb....Lookin' back the thing really hauled ass!!
Even made the side-stand in shop. Man...those were good days!
I only wished I could afford to race..... back then!
Well buddy my hats off to ya because that looks like a sweet little Hodaka and my guess is you could ride like the wind standing up on the pegs and never sit down.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Steve Rapp

Steve Rapp is a friend that I have watched come up though the ranks in AMA
He is a Daytona 200 winner !!!!!!!
He could have been a 2 time winner but his team mate at the time came in to the pits early and I believe that cost him the win.
This is his tire after 57 laps at The Daytona 200 in 2009 on a bike he had not ridden till a day before the race. This guy can ride. He rides hard and wants it more than most. He has my respect....
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
2006 YZFR1LE # 78 of 500 Yamaha

So I called my buddy Scott at Berkley Yamaha and told him to hold one for me but he wasn't sure what they were.
I get most my information from the Internet so when Yamaha said they were going to make the YZFR1LE dealers had no idea until days later and that's when I got the call "Oh you want one of those". It's a sweet bike and the great part is you don't see one everyday. I've won some tickets to some really hard to get in to MotoGP dinners with pics of the bike. Here's one and I hope to

I like this bike but it's a lot faster bike than I am a rider. I prefer twins. I loved my RC51 and my Superhawk because there easy to ride and you don't have be so perfect as with the R1. I don't think I've taken this bike anywhere near it's limits but it's a lot of fun anyway. I'm getting old. Only a few heydays left I'm affraid.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
2008 KLR 650 Kawasaki

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Early 70's racing
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
2004 ST1300 Honda
Yup SHE got me and what a chicken shit ticket that was so lets talk about the bike instead.
The Honda ST1300 is one of the best bikes I've owned. I knew the second I rode away from the dealer that I had made the right choice. It handles, it wheelies, it's comfy and it's not to slow. Those are the things I look for in a sport touring bike and this one fits me perfectly.
I've been all over California on it. Went for a week to Zion in Utah and The Grand Canyon. I'm keeping this one for awhile but here's the kicker. After 30,000 miles all I've done is change the oil every 5,000 miles whether it needs it or not. I've gone though a few sets of tires and still looking for the ones that stick like glue and last forever but this is a great bike that I'll put up against any bike out there.
Monday, February 16, 2009
2000 EX250 Kawasaki Ninja
Screamer !!!!!!
This is our little 250 Ninja. Now my wife may get a little upset if I said "OUR" but I really like this little screamer. Story goes like this.
Janeen was working on Matrix Movie when she saw Carrie-Ann Moss riding a Ducati and said I can do that.
At the time I was looking to buy a ZRX1200. I found one locally and bought it but we were trying to make a 2 bike deal and no one had a 250. It was Sears Point AMA Superbike weekend and off to the races I went. Janeen on the other hand got on the phone and started searching for a EX250.
I got the call while at the track that she had found one and was going to pick it up in the truck in South San Francisco. I left the track just before the 250GP race to meet her. It's the first time I saw her really excited about getting a motorcycle and it was a bike she really liked.
I really liked it too because you really had to ride it to make it work. That motor screams at 14,000 RPM. Fun bike but sold it to get her MP3 500 Piagio.
1975 Yamaha DT400

This is another fine example of a old bike I should have never bought. Mine was cleaner than the bike shown but that didn't make it any better. Give me a four stroke any day. I'll suffer with a little extra weight. I traded it away for a chainsaw. The chainsaw rattled less.
Here's the clan of bikes 1985ish
Sunday, February 15, 2009
1975 RD125 Yamaha
Saturday, February 14, 2009
2000 RC51 Honda

Thursday, February 12, 2009
2005 WR450 Yamaha
I really like dirt bikes but they seem to hurt me more than street bikes. It's probably because I'm a better street rider than a dirt rider. I quit ridding dirt bikes after my knees got torn up and so for a good 15 years didn't ride them at all.
In 2005 I bought a WR450 and I got back into it but rode as carefully as I could. Took a few spills and tore up my wrist when a big rock jumped right in front of me.
2002 SV650 Suzuki

It's not if it's when. We all will fall-crash someday and if you think you won't your just kidding yourself.
Monday, February 9, 2009
1986 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Standard

They told me they rattle and parts fall off, they break down and they are slow and on and on.
I knew that 1984 was a change for Harley and the new Evo motor so I gave them 2 years to get it right and they did. I did everything I could to break this bike and when I sold it in 1990 for $9500 I said "This is the first time I've made money on a bike".
I went half way across the United States with Richard who was riding a GL1000. I left him in Yellowstone because I couldn't take him anymore LOL. I drove from there to Tahoe Flat Out in about 10 hours. The bike would only do 97 MPH unless you were going down hill you could get it to go faster and less if you were going up.
Great bike and I'd buy another if they weren't so overpriced but lets face it my ST 1300 will run circles around it but it lacks that cool factor. I guess I've got to find another way to be cool.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
ATC 90/110

First thing everyone says when they see three wheelers is "Those things are dangerous". I personally like three wheelers better than quads because you can throw them around a little easier but that's just me.

Friday, February 6, 2009
1985 ATC 250R Honda

I rode them around up at Stonyford and remember roosting the corners and just plain having fun. Richard was with me sometimes and like always we gave each other a bad time about who was faster. I always won. He rode a ???? I forget because it was always behind me but man was he fast when I blew by him.
I took this unit out to my brothers just after buying it and he wanted to ride it. I told him to be careful but he hit the throttle and looped it when the thing had less than a few hours on it. He tweaked the steering head and it never rode the same. I hate crashed bikes. Even though they could be alright I always feel they are not and never feel comfortable again.

Thursday, February 5, 2009
1988 CBR1000F Honda

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
1972 TS250 Suzuki

Monday, February 2, 2009
2000 Kawasaki KLR650
For years I've had bad knees and tried not to do the wrong things that blow them out. My buddy Mike calls one day and says "Lets get dual sports and do some rides" So on Craigs list there is a really nice KLR in the green color no one likes but me and the price is right so I bought it.
In the process of getting it ready, I had it all loaded up with bags and tail trunk. I threw my leg over it to get on and blew out my left knee. 2 years later that knee is still messed up. I had it operated on but it didn't go so well and this is my second operation on this knee. Needless to say I blame this bike but it's probably just bad genetics. Both parents have bad knees. Sold it soon after getting it and purchased a 2008 KLR.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
2/1/2009 BMW ride
Rode with the Central California BMW group today. Nice day, Nice ride, Nice people
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Suzuki RM125

1989 Honda NX125

Thursday, January 29, 2009
1992 Yamaha TDM 850
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
1972 Tomm Mark and John
1998 Honda Superhawk

I really enjoyed the bike but when 2 years later Honda came out with a RC51 it was gone to make room for the new kid in town.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
1990 KLR 650

When was the last time you got to ride on the trails on Mt. Diablo and not worry about a Ranger.
It was the early 90's and we put on Horse Endurance rides on the mountain where you would have to complete 100 miles in 24 hours on a horse. My wife's company Sportack was a sponsor and I marked trails for years in my Toyota 4X4. One year it rained and they wouldn't let us on the trail for fear of tearing it up. We talked them into letting me ride my KLR (wasn't easy to convince them) and off I went. You can't imagine how much fun I had. Blasting down fire roads that were wet enough to get great traction but not so bad as to be bogged down in the mud. I probably did 200 miles just because I was having so much fun but then it happened.
I pulled up to a trail that I had never been down and a friend who wasn't a big motorcycle fan said "We should walk down and mark this one, not ride the bike". I said "Why". She said she didn't think a motorcycle could do it. "Do horses do it" I asked. She said "Yes" and that was enough for me and down the trail I went.
About 1/4 mile down I hit a switch back that couldn't be done. I had to lay the bike down and drag the bike into position to make the turn. OK, off again and about 200 feet there was another one, and then another and another. I drug this KLR so much it broke the side stand kill switch and now the bike wouldn't start. Time to push.
To keep it short I got out about 9PM that night and I was exhausted. Horses can bend in ways big bikes can't. If it would have been a little 125 it would have been fine but at 400lbs the KLR is not a tight trail bike. I think I was the last person to legally ride a motorcycle on the trails of Mt. Diablo but even if I wasn't it was one of the best times I've had.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Mike and The Bikes

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
1982 FT500 Ascot

Richard had one too but his was red and the starter kept going bad.
"Hey Richard, Maybe you shouldn't have put that high compression piston in that bike". The starters were already overloaded.
One story I have with this bike was really about Richard and his FT500. We were at a stop light over in Pittsburg coming back from a ride. I think I was on my CX500 turbo. Just getting ready to leave the light before you go up and over Kirker Pass we both started racing our motors as if to drag race when the light turned green. When it turned green Richard took off and I pretended to but instead pulled away slowly. Once Richard saw that I didn't take off fast he stood it on the rear wheel and rode it though first and second gear. It was a nice wheelie. Only problem was right before the light turned green I noticed a cop two cars back. As the cop went flying by me with his lights blaring I was laughing so hard I just about wet my pants. I pulled off the road about a 1/4 mile up and waited for him.
He tried to tell the cop his throttle stuck but even I heard him blipping it as he rode the rear wheel. That ticket matched a couple others he had and I think he lost his licence for awhile. Always entertaining to ride with Richard.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Keith Code Superbike School