Now I can't really say this was my bike because it was purchased by my sisters boyfriend but he kept it at our house and I would say I put more miles on it than he did. We lived next to Parkmead Elementary and ran it up and down the hills daily. He also had a 1947 Knucklehead chopper that was beautiful. One day while he was washing it I came screaming up the driveway in my brothers dune buggy and thought I'll scare him. I got real close than hit the brakes to skid up to him. Problem was he was washing the bike which meant there was soap and water on the ground. Needless to say I slid right up to his bike and the buggy landed on top of it. I thought I was dead. We picked up the buggies front end and lifted it off the bike and believe it or not it didn't really hurt it. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Showing off can back fire. Now if I could just put that lesson to use someday.

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