Mine was NICE. Mikes looked like a Kawasaki then it looked like a Honda and Tompinky's looked like well, Tompinky's. He was never one to wash a bike.
Here's a great picture of Mikey with his Honda RZ350 (No they didn't make one he did) Needless to say it was a hit at the track

We all had a great time and I stopped racing when a youngster took me out in the carousel at Sears Point and broke my heel which was a hard bone to heal (No pun intended). It was a lot of fun but working on crutches for the next 8 weeks really sucked.
Here's Mr Pinky who always claimed to be faster than me but in all the races we raced only was only able to beat me once. That's a race that will live in infamy. He saw it one way and I saw it another. "WHO CARES" ????.
Tompinky 1986 with duct tape for knee pucks
Life at the track was fun but sometimes got more competitive than I liked. Track days make it fun again.
Nope, Ernie's always looked like an RZ. It was Mikey's that looked like a Honda, a Kawasaki, the Wonder Bread motorcycle, and...well, it always looked "different." :-) Remember the red, white, and blue stripes?