So I called my buddy Scott at Berkley Yamaha and told him to hold one for me but he wasn't sure what they were.
I get most my information from the Internet so when Yamaha said they were going to make the YZFR1LE dealers had no idea until days later and that's when I got the call "Oh you want one of those". It's a sweet bike and the great part is you don't see one everyday. I've won some tickets to some really hard to get in to MotoGP dinners with pics of the bike. Here's one and I hope to

I like this bike but it's a lot faster bike than I am a rider. I prefer twins. I loved my RC51 and my Superhawk because there easy to ride and you don't have be so perfect as with the R1. I don't think I've taken this bike anywhere near it's limits but it's a lot of fun anyway. I'm getting old. Only a few heydays left I'm affraid.