Thursday, January 1, 2009

My First Real Motorcycle

My first real motorcycle was a Honda 305 Scrambler. I was 13 years old and I believe it was a hand me down from my dad or brother. I'd had other so called motorcycles before then but really they were CT90's my brothers Hodaka and Moto Beta (There's one you don't hear everyday) but this was a REAL motorcycle. The problem was I'm only 13.
I learned to ride it at Parkmead school where I lived next door to and they had what had to be a 10 acre Baseball/Football field with another 20 acres of hills surrounding it. It was a good safe place to learn to hill climbing and flat track and just all round motorcycle skills that stay with me to this day. I soon ventured on to the street and was picked up by a cop on Canyon Rd in Moraga with my buddy Jim Harris on the back. No helmet, 13 years old with a passenger on back and I was having the time of my life--I'm hooked on this street bike thing.
Bad news is when they called my mom to say we have your son out here in Moraga and she said " Oh that can't be my son" and hung up the phone. My Dad picked us up about a 1/2 hour later and my brother rode the bike home. I was grounded and couldn't ride bikes for the next 6 months. Those were the longest 6 months of my life.

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